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Last Revision Date: September 2018



The following safety policy statement has been laid out to ensure that all employees are working in a hazard free and healthy environment. The statement will outline actual legal requirements, arrangements to carry out those requirements and the co-operation of all employees in enforcing this policy.


All business-related accidents are to be reported to the First aid representative


All business-related accidents are to be recorded in the accident book by the first aider.
The first aid box and accident book is kept in the kitchen at the Redditch office and in the rear cupboard (ground floor) of the Solihull office.



i) Display Screen Equipment (D.S.E.)

All employees who habitually use D.S.E are recommended to take frequent breaks away from the screen i.e. 5 minutes for every hour.


These employees classed as habitual users are, for example, Recruitment consultants and Administration Staff.  

Any employee who encounters limb pains for visual fatigue due to D.S.E usage should report to their HR representative.


All employees are to carry out a DSE self-assessment checklist, this will be reviewed by HR. Then reviewed every 3 years.


For your own comfort:

Make adjustments to suit your needs
Make full use of the equipment provided and adjust it to get the best from it to avoid potential health problems
Adjust your chair and VDU to find the most comfortable position for your work.  Your forearms should be approximately horizontal and your eyes the same height as the top of the VDU
Make sure you have enough work space to take whatever documents or other equipment you need.
Try different arrangements of keyboard, screen, mouse and documents to find the best arrangement for you.  A document holder may help you avoid awkward neck and eye movements
Arrange your desk and VDU to avoid glare, or bright reflections on the screen.  This will be easiest if neither you nor the screen is directly facing windows or bright lights.  Adjust curtains or blinds to prevent unwanted light
Make sure there is space under your desk to move your legs freely.  Move any obstacles such as boxes or equipment
Avoid excess pressure from the edges of your seat on the backs of your legs and knees.  A footrest may be helpful, particularly for small users


ii)  Keyboard Use

Adjust your keyboard to get a good keying position.  A space in front of the keyboard is sometimes helpful for resting the hands and wrists when not keying

Try to keep your wrists straight when keying. Keep a soft touch on the keys and don’t overstretch your fingers. Good keyboard technique is important


iii)  Using a mouse

Position the mouse within easy reach, so it can be used with the wrist straight.  Sit upright and close to the desk, so you don’t have to work with your mouse arm stretched.  Move the keyboard out of the way if it is not being used
Support your forearm on the desk and don’t grip the mouse too tightly
Rest your fingers lightly on the buttons and do not press them hard


iv)  Reading the Screen

Adjust the brightness and contrast controls on the screen to suit lighting conditions in the room
Make sure the screen surface is clean
In setting up software, choose options giving text that is large enough to read easily on your screen, when you are sitting in a normal, comfortable working position.  Select colours that are easy on the eye (avoid red text on a blue background, or vice versa)
Individual characters on the screen should be sharply focused and should not flicker or move.  If they do, the VDU may need servicing or adjustment


v)  Posture 

Don’t sit in the same position for long periods.  Make sure you change your posture as often as practicable.  Some movement is desirable but avoid repeated stretching to reach things you need (if this happens a lot, rearrange your workstation).




It is important that you, the employee, are working in an environment that is healthy, safe and comfortable.  Therefore, it is imperative that you speak to the HR / Health & Safety Officer if you have any issues where you feel there is room for improvement.

For example:

Are you comfortable in your working position?
Do you experience discomfort, aches pains, fatigue or stress?
Is the equipment supplied appropriate, easy to use and well maintained?
Are you satisfied with your working arrangements?




The company have a full risk assessment policy which is reviewed on a yearly basis unless it needs reviewing earlier.  


All Electrical equipment is PAT tested every 12 months by an external electrical company, although any new items can be done throughout the year by our Electrical engineer.


Any item of E.E must be switched off before unplugging and before cleaning.

You must report any electric shocks received from any E.E to the HR or Health and Safety Representative.

You must also report any E.E which is not working properly.


All Staff will receive a manual handling training presentation and will be issued with a manual handling training handout following their induction. 



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